
We Support Communal Safety Guidelines

We, members of the Bergen County Jewish community, are thankful for the strong and unified leadership demonstrated by the RCBC, our shuls, and local day schools during these times. We wholeheartedly reaffirm our support for our communal guidelines -- developed in conjunction with medical experts -- that have enabled our children to safely attend schools, and people to safely gather in shuls. We stand strongly -- as a community -- against approaches that lack scientific merit, which are likely to endanger ourselves, our families, our community, and cause immense chillul Hashem in our broader society. We implore all of our friends and neighbors to continue upholding the paramount values of pikuach nefesh and kiddush Hashem that have guided our community's response since March. Please follow our community's safety standards, do the right thing, and help keep our community happy and healthy, and children in school where they belong. To add your name to this list, fill out the fo...